Short, Authoritative, Useful eBooks

Short, Authoritative, Useful eBooks

Learn About Profitability Strategies for Companies in 50 Minutes

11 Reviews


Words: 11,213

Published: 1 June 2024



Short Description:

The objectives of this eBook are to:
* Introduce the ideas of cost reduction and margin increase for companies, including non-profit organisations.
* Share, at a high level, 21 tools used for both cost-reduction and margin-increase projects and provide some case studies to demonstrate the use of some of these tools.

Profitability strategies are not only about reducing cost or increasing margin but also about making high-level changes such as those involving mindset, Systems Thinking, survivability, etc, because of the organisation-wide impact they can have on costs or margins. The book touches on all these topics.

Table of Contents:


As mentioned before, a Design for X (DfX) project is one initiated to achieve a single result, ‘X’, with ‘X’ in most cases having to do with cost reduction. A DfX project strives to align all organisation resources, and all relevant departments and suppliers are invited to play a role. No decisions are made in isolation and the final solutions are agreed upon and adopted across the whole organisation.

A DfX project could be ‘Design for Cost Reduction’, ‘Design for Manufacturability’, ‘Design for Operational Excellence’, etc. In every instance, the team assigned to the project needs to take an unbiased view, to look outside-in, to ‘think out of the box’, to create a wide portfolio of ideas to meet the intended goal. For instance, in the case of ‘Design for Cost Reduction’, the result will be a list of ideas for short- and long-term projects to generate cost savings.

About The Author:

Aroop Bhattacharjee

Aroop is a registered Chartered Professional Engineer in the Netherlands and Australia and a certified trainer with over 25 years of global experience. He is a two-time award-winning engineer, with several years of coaching experience on Cost Reduction, Value Engineering, and Design for Manufacturing.

He works holistically with all kinds of companies and businesses to reduce their cost of doing business, reduce time to market, increase factory output, and improve employee engagement. The goal is to create healthy organisations with committed staff members, healthy profit margins, and stable futures.

The tools he uses result not only in physical, infrastructural, and procedural changes to existing systems of manufacturing or running a business but also effect the mind-shifts necessary at key levels of the organisation to make the process successful.

Aroop has helped four global manufacturing companies from closing down and contributed to well over €30M in cost savings:
1. Domestic Appliances (Asia): Reduced Time-to-Market by 50%
2. Materials (Europe): Increased Factory Yield by 30%
3. Materials (Latin America): Created Strategic Global Partnerships within 6 months
4. Professional Lighting (Europe): Launched new business portfolio within 9 months

He has shared these experiences in a 23-week online training program.

Aroop has a Bachelor’s Degree, a Post-Graduate Diploma, two Masters Degrees, several published research papers, two Patents in Manufacturing, and a Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma.


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