‘Learn about Nurturing your Child’s Confidence and Resilience through Therapeutic Growth Art in 50 Minutes’ is not only about helping parents, educators, and caregivers develop the untapped potential of children but also about supporting them with the challenges they face in nurturing that potential. As someone deeply involved in child development, I have witnessed first-hand the pain points that parents grapple with on this journey.
In this book, you’ll find insights into:
Process I Followed: To help BB navigate his academic stress, a series of interventions were introduced that focused on both his mental well-being and academic approach:
I had been working with children for 20 years (youth mentor since 2000, preschool leader since 2007, owner of a multiple-award-winning childcare centre since 2007) when I stumbled into Growth Art Coaching.
It was a case of my personal and professional interests, strengths and knowledge, and a crying need in the market for practical children’s counselling all coming together—in a way I never expected.
AA’s father (AA’s story is featured in Chapter 1: Nurturing a Gifted Mind), my business coach, came to see me for help with his son. Helping AA overcome his behavioural challenges was the first success story—for both AA and me.
A confluence of factors—a mid-life crisis; AA’s father’s encouraging “This ability and skills should not go to waste”; my coming across an art studio ripe for takeover—conspired to get me to launch stART Studio. I’ve never regretted the decision.
My qualifications are: